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Our general objective is to guarantee the exercise and the restitution of the rights of the groups of high-priority attention of the North region of the country. Offering integral effectively, efficient and opportune attention, focused to the improvement of its quality of life.



To implement projects familiar and social for groups of high-priority care, oriented to take part in the adverse factors that interfere in their personal, familiar and social development.

To develop internal and external awareness processes to guarantee a personal empowerment and social responsibilities. Fomenting the work in network in order to implement the institutional management, the communitarian participation and the consequences in local, regional and national policies public.

To offer interdisciplinary advising and escort in the areas psychological, legal, social, pedagogical, nutritional, therapeutic, among others. Which allow to the beneficiary population a processes of integral formation in the protection, preservation and restitution of the rights of the groups of high-priority attention.

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